The 4th Youth Conference hosted by Yokohama YMCA "Let's learn about Ukraine"

Now we see the news about Ukraine and Russia every day. However, we rarely have an opportunity to think about the culture and life in Ukraine.
In this program, the guest speaker, a youth from Ukraine who is now studying Japanese, is going to talk about her country.
For example,
・The cultural differences between the provinces.
・The educatioal system in Ukraine.
・Traditional clothes and the meaning of them.
You will have a chance to learn about the real lives of the Ukrainian people.
We hope that this event will help the participants feel closer to and think about Ukraine through leaning about its culture.
This program is for those in their teens and 20s.
We, the Yokohama YMCA Youth community team want to support young people who are interested in Ukraine and looking for a way to support it.

Program Outline
DATE: 14:00-15:30(JPT), Saturday, July 2nd, 2022
Participants: Those in their teens and 20s
Capacity: 20 in the chapel, 100 online
Fee: 500yen (Ukraine support donation), Free for online
Language: English (Japanese subtitles for the presentation)
Venue: The Chapel on the 9th floor of YMCA
Online: The Zoom ID will be emailed on the previous day.
This program is organized by the Yokohama YMCA Youth community team.
Time schedule
Part1 Speech 14:00~14:30
Part2 Q and A 14:30~15:00
Part3 Sharing among participants at the YMCA 15:00~15:30
Speaker: Alina
Alina is from Dnipro, Ukraine. now she is studying in Yokohama YMCA Japanese language school.
When she was in Ukraine, she majored in International tourism in university and have experience to work as an English teacher.
How to apply
Please fill in the Google form and send it by 12:00, Friday, July 1st.
Please send us an email when you are cancelling your application.
All over the world YMCAs and young leaders are delivering youth-led projects and community development.
As a result, they are making a significant contribution towards achieving the United Nations 17 core Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

YMCA and Youth
YMCA is the oldest and one of the largest youth organizations in the world.
Its goal is to be global youth empowerment organization: empowering, inspiring and mobilizing young people to find and share their voice on the issues that matter to them and to the world.
YMCA helps young people to better themselves, to better their communities, and to better their world. It gives them the space to bring transformation in themselves and their communities, and make a positive difference- an Impact- as a result.