YGK's News

Time spent at YGK
will be a lifetime treasure

Being a Protagonist of Own Learning

We at YMCA Global Kindergarten (YGK) hope that our children will grow up physically and mentally, taking care of themselves and loving their neighbors as themselves. We hope that each child will grow up to be a peacemaker using English as a communication tool, so that when they become adults, the world will be a peaceful place without war.


YGK has started a seasonal program for elementary school students in the hope that it will be a place where children who shine in their own places can always return after graduation and a crossroads where they can meet new friends beyond their grade level or school. Of course, we welcome those who have never attended YGK before.

We named the program "Active Learners" so that each child can enjoy learning on his or her own initiative as the main character of his or her own learning.


There are two main features of this program.


The first is that it is an English immersion program.

As the word "immersion" suggests, in an English immersion program, faculty and staff conduct the program in English only. Although participants' English levels vary, we encourage them to understand the guidance given in English without translating it into Japanese, and to speak in English according to their respective English levels.


Second is "independent learning.

In Active Learners, the students themselves are the main actors in the learning process, and the teachers play only a facilitating and supporting role; since it is a short 3-day program, the theme is decided in advance, but how the program will proceed and what results the children will derive are completely unknown. There is no single correct answer prepared by adults in the process of communicating their ideas to their peers in words and diagrams, discussing with their peers and bringing together their opinions and ideas, collaborating and dividing labor to give shape to their plans, and finally giving a presentation. The possibilities are endless. Each child's individuality influences each other, and the project creates a great swell.


This summer vacation, nine peers from grades 1 through 5 gathered in two groups to deepen their collaboration with their peers, their own spontaneous exploration and spontaneous learning.


Outline of the 2024 Summer Program


Participants Elementary school students

Dates July 29 (Mon.) - 31 (Wed.), 3-day course

Time 9:30-12:30

Theme Our Dream City

Facilitator, support by YGK faculty


A short video of one of our activities will be shown. Please take a look.


Active Learners will next be held in Winter 2024.

The faculty and staff look forward to seeing you all there.