YGK's Blog

Time spent at YGK
will be a lifetime treasure

Sweet Potato Picking

We went sweet potato picking today.
We were a bit worried because it was drizzling in the morning.  If it rained, we wouldn't be able to pick sweet potatoes due to the muddy field.
Maybe because everyone of YGK has been behaving so well, we were lucky that the sun showed its face before we arrived at the farm!
We put our boots and gloves on, and held a shovel.  Now we were ready for picking!
The soil was fluffy and it was fun to dig!
As we dug, we could find sweet potatoes under the ground.
Big, small, round and long... They were all different-shaped, just like us!
We could find bugs, too!
We enjoyed an outdoor lunch on the grassy field and had playtime in the playground.
It was a great day!


Getting ready for the sweet potato picking!

We are having a busy and fun-filled October.
Sports Day was on Sunday and so we are done with it but an exciting event is coming up!
Sweet potato picking!!!
We are really excited about this special event.
Today, the Puppy friends had a mock picking in the class!
They enacted getting on a bus to the farm, looking for the field.
When they found the field, they dug the ground to find a root (still pretending).
Then, they pulled hard the root they found, then there you go!!!
They found not only sweet potatoes but treasures, an earthworm, even a snake hiding under the ground!!!
Wow!!!  That was fun!
Let's see what we can find tomorrow!

Sports Day is Over!

We had our annual Sports Day, on Sunday, October 14th, 2018. It is one of the most awaited events in YGK. We had many wonderful performances; such as Joeys' Feed the Baby Rabbit, Puppies' Shake the Pom Pom Dance, Kittens' Parachute Performance, Cubs' Group Gymnastic, and many more! We are very proud of all of the students' efforts, they have practiced hard and gave their best.  All audiences witnessed their amazing performances! We also had many fun games involving parents, grandparents, even visitors; such as Don't Get Stuck, Pass the Marble, Grab and Get, and many other exciting games. We were very excited to be able to meet some of the graduates and saw them play on the games. We are extremely happy that everyone enjoyed the Sports Day and are truly grateful for everyone's support and cooperation. The Sports Day would not be possible without your contribution,.   Thank you very much, everyone! See you again on our next Sports Day!

Joey's Fun Time

YMCA Global Kindergarten, YGK, is located in Yokohama Chuo YMCA, 3 minute walk from Kannai station.
YGK has a class for 2-3 year olds, called 'Joey class'.  Joey friends usually stay and play inside their classroom. This is because they tend to fear a new environment.
However, as they get used to the school routines and the environment recently, they are expanding their world to outside of their classroom.

Did you know that there is a play area for small children in this building?
We found the Joey class playing in the play area this afternoon. They seemed to have lots of fun!
We were impressed by their growth.

What We Can Do To Save The Environment

Last month, we learned about the environment.

As part of their study, Cub class, the K3, had a group discussion about what we can do to save the environment and made a poster the said theme together with their friends.

It was a good chance to think about the environment and to be thankful about what we get from the nature.


YGK Relay

We are all excited about the upcoming Sports Day!

Today, we had a rehearsal at the gym. Of course, all the activities were cute and great. However, among them, the climax was the 'YGK relay'!!  All the YGK friends from Puppy to Cub class passed the baton to their friends.

Everyone was so into this match.  They cheered their friends with all their might.

At the end of the match, some members of the losing team were even teary-eyed.  The members of the team who won were so delighted.

Whether they win or lose, we want them to enjoy fully the sense of unity and cooperation in these games.

Autumn is Here.

Autumn is here.
Leaves are changing colors into yellow, brown and orange. 
We can find acorns here and there at the park.
YGK children like picking up acorns.
They are a gift from Mother Nature.
We would like to thank the nature for all the blessings they bring to us.

Joey friends are also ready for Sports Day!

YGK friends are excited about the sports day.
Of course, Joey friends are ready, too!
Today, they practiced the marching and the dance.
We are quite sure you will be enchanted by their cuteness!!

Sports Day is Just Around the Corner

Our annual sports day is coming up soon.
The children of YMCA Global Kindergarten are busy practicing for this special event.
Today, we had a rehearsal in the gymnasium.
Everyone seems excited to show the results of their hard work!

Today's Discovery

It was a perfect day to spend time outdoors.  The breeze was soothing.  And the sun shone brightly and gently. 
When the Puppy class were walking in the park, they found a special car.
A garbage truck!

The garbage collector was collecting fallen tree branches.  When the driver opened the rear cover of the truck, we could see a lot of branches inside.

The Puppy friends were totally fascinated by this unfamiliar vehicle.

We were grateful for this rare chance!