Dear Joey Parents,
Thank you for your continued support.
We would also like to thank you for your cooperation in answering the questionnaire that we sent to you last week. We are glad to receive many insightful ideas and opinions from you.
Many of you wrote that online lessons are not appropriate for children of this age. We quite agree with your opinions. And so we decided not to have any online courses. But we might send you a short introductory video in which children can see their teachers and classroom so that they can feel familiar with their new environment.
Currently, we are getting ready to start the Joey class once the state of emergency is lifted. We would like to take all the possible precautions to prevent an outbreak of COVID-19 at YGK.
Here are what we take measures:
●Regular sterilization
We sterilize the toys, school supplies, equipment, classroom, etc. regularly.
●Ventilation of the classroom
We open the classroom windows regularly to ventilate.
●Air purifier
We shall operate an air purifier to secure hygiene.
●Regular health and temperature check
We check their temperatures regularly.
If their temperature is over 37.5 Celsius or 1.0 Celsius higher than their normal temperature, we shall contact their parents immediately.
In case they look dull, unwell or different from their normal condition, we may ask parents to pick up their child.
We still need to ask you to understand that close contacts are unavoidable by any means with a group of children of this age.
If your child has any unusual symptoms, we advise you to keep them home.
We might also have to ask parents to take their children home if they see any unusual symptoms, especially coughing or pink eyes. We would like to ask parents to show us a medical certificate from a doctor that it is from asthma or hay fever and not contagious.
Also, we ask parents to wear a mask when dropping off/picking up their children, keep the social distances with each other and avoid talking with other parents or teachers at close range.
Please feel free to contact us at ygk@yokohamaymca.org if you have any concerns, questions, etc.