This year’s graduation ceremony was not only a big celebration but also an uplifting event for the whole YGK. It has become a day of giving and receiving encouragements as well as tangible gifts.
We started off with the Kitten children expressing their love to Cub friends through gift and words of affirmation like “You're kind” and “you are jolly!” They also presented a heart-warming farewell song to Cub class.
Cub students, in turn, sang some touching songs and shared more about themselves during their speech. It was a privilege to hear their likes and dreams for the future. Way to go Cubs!
What also made this ceremony extra special was
the inspiring message given by this year’s Cub Parent representative. We learned that the secret to making good friends is to know that even though we are all different, we have some things in common. Let's find that “things” with each other and make 100 true friends!
The ceremony ended with a blast as our principal read a book to the graduating class entitled, おおきくなるっていうことは. Indeed, to grow is to become inches taller, pounds heavier, years wiser, and more responsible than ever before. And that is what our Cub class has achieved throughout their stay in YGK!
Once again, “Congratulations children!” “Congratulations parents and guardians!” “Congratulations teachers!”
We wish we could go on sharing our lives with you indefinitely but we had to say Goodbye………. and See you later!