YGK's News

Time spent at YGK
will be a lifetime treasure

Joey Class's Report: Thu, December 17

It's the long-awaited Christmas day!

First, they danced to "Jingle Bells" wearing their Santa hats and holding bells in their hands.

The Joeys love dancing!  They enjoyed dancing to "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" and "Teddy Bear".

Now, it's time for the Musical Chairs.

They walk around the chairs to the music.

When the music stops, they need to sit on a chair.


Wow!  They all could sit so nicely!

As they loved this game, we repeated many times.

They were even helping each other by calling out "Come here! Here's a chair!"


We have been making decorations for our big Christmas tree.

To wrap up this project, we made "Santa's boot".

They put yarns through holes; in, out, in, out...

We were a bit concerned that it could a bit too hard for them... but found out that they could do these steps quite smoothly.  What a growth!

When they finished stitching, they decorated their boots.  They were so focused that they couldn't hear anything else!!

Lastly, they put the candy canes that they made last week.  Look at their colorful boots!


The Joeys always love the story time!  Thank you, Lynnet sensei, for the story time.

They got shiny necklaces after the story time!  The teachers had received gifts for them from Santa!  Everyone was so happy!  Thank you Santa!


After the fun and exciting time, Junko sensei had a violin recital for us!  Everyone listened so attentively to the beautiful tunes.   Thank you, Junko sensei, for the great time!

At the end of the party, we took a photo.

Look at these cute Santas!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!