We had our annual Sports Day, on Sunday, October 14th, 2018. It is one of the most awaited events in YGK. We had many wonderful performances; such as Joeys' Feed the Baby Rabbit, Puppies' Shake the Pom Pom Dance, Kittens' Parachute Performance, Cubs' Group Gymnastic, and many more! We are very proud of all of the students' efforts, they have practiced hard and gave their best. All audiences witnessed their amazing performances! We also had many fun games involving parents, grandparents, even visitors; such as Don't Get Stuck, Pass the Marble, Grab and Get, and many other exciting games. We were very excited to be able to meet some of the graduates and saw them play on the games. We are extremely happy that everyone enjoyed the Sports Day and are truly grateful for everyone's support and cooperation. The Sports Day would not be possible without your contribution,. Thank you very much, everyone! See you again on our next Sports Day!