YGK's Blog

Time spent at YGK
will be a lifetime treasure

We love mud play!

The children of YMCA Global Kindergarten love mud play.
It is a great way for them to learn, relax, and let out their creativity. Medical research shows that it can also be good for their physical and emotional health.
But the thing is... they just love mud play because it is simply fun!

Rainy Day Walk

The children of YGK Science Club had a rainy day walk.
As it was so much fun, some friends said that the rainy season became their favorite season! Yeah!
Happy rainy day!

YGK's Flower Day

The second Sunday of June is Flower Day. The children of YMCA Global Kindergarten delivered flowers to the people in our community to show our gratitude.
Our everyday life is supported by many people, such as people who clean our classrooms, people who fix our equipment, people who cook delicious lunches for us, etc.
The children in the Puppy class gave flowers to the people who are working at YMCA. Thank you for keeping us safe and the school clean!
The children in the Kitten class visited a police box. The police officers welcomed us with big smiles!
The children in the Cub class visited the Italian restaurant, "Aquila Volance", which is located across the baseball stadium. They cook tasty lunches for us every day. As it was the Cub friends' very first visit, they were so excited.
Seeing everyone's bright smiles makes us realize how blessed and loved we are! Thank you once again for all your warm support!


Choice time means a lot to children

At YMCA Global Kindergarten, “Choice time” means a lot to the children. Children always have the right to choose and engage in the field they want to play on each day. Through these experiences, children start to realize that their choices are valued and respected. This sense of being valued and respected will nurture their self-esteem, which helps them to become active learners.
Children are learning through a variety of experiences every day. They are not only successful experiences, but also failures as well. Every single experience gives our children important lessons. At this age of life, we believe that the most important milestone is not the result but the process. So, we trust and watch over our children.

Hydrangeas in Bloom

At YMCA Global Kindergarten, the Joey class's friends were having fun with watercolor stamping.
Let's mix red and blue... It turned purple!
Next, let's mix red and white! It turned pink!
As they were having fun, purple and pink hydrangeas bloomed beautifully.

【YGK Science Club Report】Finding Nature Friends at the Pond

【YGK Science Club Report】

We visited a park to find living things at the pond. We could find many kinds of creatures, such as water striders, turtles, ducks, rice fish, pill bugs, etc. Some friends enjoyed sucking nectar from azaleas as well. One friend found some acorns by the pond. He decided to drop them in the pond. He was patiently waiting for a loach to come out as he remembered a Japanese song in which an acorn fell in a pond and a loach came out to say hi to the acorn. Unfortunately, we couldn't meet a loach today. We hope we can greet him next time!

Encounters with Tiny Lives

YGK children found roly-polies, or pill bugs, in the park and brought them back to school the other day. They were really into observing them with magnifying glasses and touching them. Some children even decided to keep them as their pets and gave them names. 


Nature Boosts Our Creativity

At YMCA Global Kindergarten, the Kitten friends are into picking natural objects from the park and use them to boost their creativity.  Thank you for this wonderful time.

Spring is All About Colors

The students of the YGK Kitten class were amazed at the colors of nature. As we went out to the park, we collected colorful flowers and leaves and brought them back with us to the classroom. During our art time, they pressed the flowers and leaves in between two sheets of white paper and pounded them with wooden blocks from their toy basket. The colors from the flowers came down to the paper, and many of them used the beautifully colored paper to write messages to their families.
We thank our mother nature for this beautiful season!

We're having fun every day!

Almost 10 days have passed since we celebrated the new students' entrance last week. The new Puppy friends are gradually getting used to their daily routines at school. Lunch time also started yesterday. They enjoyed having lunch with friends and teachers. We had our first music lesson this afternoon. Let's have another exciting and happy day together tomorrow!