On Wednesday, the 23rd, Cub class was able to take a field trip to Negishi Park! We were so lucky to enjoy such a beautiful, warm day. The students listened to a book about holes in acorns and later on in the day, we actually found one! We were able to observe the little insect popping it’s head out of the hole. The kids were in awe! At one point, a crow even wanted to join in on our fun and got into one of the teacher’s backpacks. What a funny moment that was! The students also had a stethoscope that we used to listen to the trees. Some of them were able to hear, a vibration-like sound inside of the trees, which they found very interesting. The kids loved being outside, running around, finding acorns, listening to the sounds around them, playing, and exploring! It was a fun-packed day and we were so happy to share such a wonderful day together!